Cyflwyniadau Ymgysylltu: Dal Diddordeb Eich Cynulleidfa

Nawr, gyda'r newid yn y galw gan bobl a datblygiad technoleg uchel, rhaid inni gynyddu swyddogaeth cynhyrchion.

linklug Charging cable
linklug Charging cable

As for standard of USB-C to 3.5mm cable with 3meson(Without Mic),we need to the PCB with IC can be used on the USB-C plug, it must change 3.5mm 3meson jack to 4meson jack based on video communications come to realization, so the cable’s name should be USB-C to 3.5mm 4meson audio jack.

We can listen music and answer the phone at the same time, It’s useful for video meetings with Headphone.

Gadael Ymateb


Gadael Neges