SCART to HD Cable, SCART to HDMI Converter, 1080P 60Hz 720P 60Hz HD Video Converter SCART to HD Multimedia Adapter, SCART Converter Video Connection Cable DC 5V

HDMI to Scart cable use for HD TV

  • Professional cables manufacturer
  • Provide OEM & ODM for customer
  • Can offer free sample & designing to customer
  • Free patent application
  • Fast delivery


Custom SCART to HDMI cable,Need to upgrade your SCART connection to HDMI? Our custom SCART to HDMI converter cable supports 1080P/720P at 60Hz, ensuring smooth multimedia transfer for high-definition displays. Ideal for older devices.

  • SCART to HDMI Converter, converts SCART signal to HDMI video signal or audio.
  • Helps users get high quality HDMI video signals from normal SCART.
  • It allows you to play a SCART interface, VHS video recorder or DVD burner on a TV with HDMI interface.
  • No driver installation required, portable, flexible, plug and play. Compatible with HDMI1.3.
  • Only one USB cable is needed to ensure low power consumption.

Is urrainn dhuinn OEM, ODM agus OBM a thoirt seachad

Ceistean Cumanta

Q1: An e factaraidh no companaidh malairt a th’ annad?

A1: Tha sinn nar saothraiche, stèidhichte ann an 2013, ùghdarraichte le ISO19001, a fhuair HDMI Adopter.

Q2: Am faigh mi an sampall gus deuchainn a dhèanamh air càileachd?

A2: Gu dearbh, tha sinn air leth toilichte an sampall ùr a chuir taobh a-staigh 5 latha airson sgrùdadh agus deuchainn.

Q3: Dè am Barantas agad?

A3: Bidh sinn a’ tabhann Barantas 12 mìosan.

Q4: Dè an dòigh pàighidh ris an gabh thu?

A4: T / T (gluasad banca), L / C, Western Union, Money Gram, Paypal, msaa.

Q5: An urrainn dhut seirbheis OEM ODM a thoirt seachad?

A5: Seadh, is urrainn dhuinn pasgan OEM/ODM no molding.we do chuideachadh gus do bheachdan a thoirt gu buil.

Q6: Dè na teirmean lìbhrigidh a th’ agad?

A6: Gabhaidh sinn ri EXW, FOB, CIF, msaa Faodaidh tu an dòigh as fheàrr a thaghadh dhut.

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